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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sony's Long Search for Multiplayer Success | by Bryan Finck | SUPERJUMP | Aug, 2020 - Medium

Fall Guys is a console exclusive for now, but what could be next?

Source: WCCFtech.
Source: Sony.

The original SOCOM released in 2002 for the PS2 and was Sony’s original first-party foray into the online gaming world. The squad-based tactical combat genre was still emerging at the time, and this one brought a lot of console gamers into what had previously been the domain of PC gamers alone. SOCOM was a big hit, as the multiplayer functionality was strong with little lag and good matchmaking. The games combined single-player campaigns in addition to the core multiplayer action, so there was something for everyone.

Source: Sony.

Releasing in 2010, this was an online-only squad-based shooter, also by Zipper Interactive. The hook here was, as the title suggests, the game supported 256 players at a time, a number unheard of on consoles at that time. In fact, the game held the Guinness World Record for that feat for a while. The various game modes had anywhere from 64 players all the way to the full 256 pitted against each other across three different factions. Players could level up their characters and, with the game world being persistent, could grow them into positions of command over platoon and squads.

Sony’s first attempt at an online-focused driving game was basically doomed before it even had a chance to leave the starting line. Driveclub was actually announced alongside the reveal of the PS4 in 2013 and was supposed to launch with the console that November. However it suffered some of the worst delays seen in recent years, and even when it launched in October of 2014, it was still plagued with bugs and performance problems that kept most people away.

Uncharted 4 multiplayer mode. Source: SegmentNext.

If you’ve been asleep for the last month, or perhaps marooned on a desert island, you may not have heard of the game that is taking Twitch, Twitter, and PlayStation by storm. Fall Guys seems the least likely candidate imaginable for achieving the killer app status that Sony has longed for, yet here we are.

Fall Guys. Source: Shacknews.
Cover image by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash.
The Link Lonk

August 25, 2020 at 02:10PM

Sony's Long Search for Multiplayer Success | by Bryan Finck | SUPERJUMP | Aug, 2020 - Medium

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